Hola ! Soy Kiersey , la escritora de esta novela , mi blog va a tratar sobre novelas pero tengo otro que es para subir fotos y noticias. Si tenéis alguna duda por favor ponédmelo por comentario y yo os responderé.

domingo, 23 de octubre de 2011

Check out my new profile photo and respond!


The fashion mode

do you have facebook? add me so we can chat! http://www.facebook.com/camrynmusic


The fashion mode

about to play a show with Allstar Weekend in a few. these guys rock. wish me luck? :3 (also if you wanna chat before i go on, just tweet me! http://www.twitter.com/CamrynRocks )


The fashion mode

Have you heard of Pencils of Promise? They are a charity building schools for kids in need. For each follower I get at: twitter.com/CamrynRocks i am donating 5 cents towards their cause! So follow me & help make a difference!


The fashion mode

my new single #SetTheNightOnFire just hit iTunes today! what do you think about it? http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/set-the-night-on-fire-single/id473836300


The fashion mode

Listen to my new song, #SetTheNightOnFire on Youtube for free! If you like it, check it out on iTunes in the description on the video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqR81fdwKow


The fashion mode

Who inspires you?

My mother !! :)

The fashion mode